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  • wkmatheson2112

Blooms, Branches, and Beauty: Exploring My Top Picks for Ornamental Trees

Today, I'm excited to share some of my all-time favorite ornamental trees with you. These trees not only beautify outdoor spaces with their vibrant colors and graceful forms but also contribute to air quality by absorbing carbon dioxide and releasing oxygen. They offer shade, reduce urban heat, and create habitats for wildlife. Beyond their environmental significance, ornamental trees can increase property value and positively impact mental well-being by providing serene and inviting spaces for relaxation. Culturally, they hold symbolic importance and often serve as focal points for community gatherings and celebrations. So let's dive right in!


Autumn Brilliance Serviceberry (Amelanchier x grandiflora ‘Autumn Brilliance’) My favorite ornamental tree which boasts 4 seasons of interest including sweetly aromatic blooms in early Spring, edible berries in Summer, brilliant foliage in Autumn (hence the name) with strong architecture and attractive, smooth, silvery bark in Winter. Plant this near a patio so you can easily harvest the serviceberries before the birds can eat them all.


Chinese Dogwood

Chinese Dogwood (Cornus Kousa) This is a smaller ornamental tree with extremely showy white blooms in late Spring. In Autumn it is adorned with edible berries and very colorful foliage.  The Chinese Dogwood blooms later than our native Eastern Dogwood grows more upright and is resistant to many diseases that plague the Native Dogwood.


Chinese Paper Bush

Chinese Paper Bush (Edgeworthia chrysantha) A very small ornamental tree growing to 8-10’ht at maturity that produces extremely fragrant flowers that can last up to 6 weeks in late Winter. It has interesting papery bark and a superb shape and form.  I love this tree because it grows well in both full sun and dappled shade.  Plant it near a walkway or patio to truly enjoy its remarkable fragrance in Winter!


Saucer Magnolia

Saucer Magnolia (Magnolia soulangeana) A small to medium-sized, fast-growing, multi-stem tree with striking, large tulip-shaped flowers in early Spring.  Bloom color ranges from shades of white, pink & purple depending on the variety. This tree typically grows to a height and spread of 20’ or so. I use this tree as a focal point in my designs due to its shape and impressive floral display.  I have even seen this tree espaliered or trained for a truly unique effect.


Coral Bark Japanese Maple

Coral Bark Japanese Maple (Acer palmatum ‘Sango Kaku’) In my opinion, this is one of the finest Japanese Maples that will thrive in most residential gardens. Its name ‘Sangu Kaku’ translates to “Coral Tower”.   Plant it as a focal point in a location that has dappled afternoon shade.  A slow-growing specimen, this tree grows to 15-20’ht at maturity.  This tree is prized for its foliage and the most unique coral-colored bark on younger branches that intensifies throughout the Winter.  Its deeply cut light green leaves begin to turn a vibrant golden color with a mix of orange and red occasionally in Fall.

So there you have it – five incredible ornamental trees that are sure to elevate your garden game. Whether you're drawn to fragrant blooms, colorful foliage, or unique bark, there's something for everyone in this lineup. Happy gardening!

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